Shihan Reece Sutton Phillips
CEO and Principal Coach
6th Dan Black Belt
Safeguarding Lead
Shihan Reece Sutton Phillips is the full-time CEO, Principal Coach, and Safeguarding Lead of Valor Combat Systems.
Martial Arts Qualifications and experience: -
6th Dan Black belt in Valor Ju Jitsu.
6th Dan Black belt in Valor Precision Combat.
6th Dan Black belt in Goshin Ryu International under Hanshi Steve Barnett 10th Dan.
6th Dan Black belt in the World Alliance of Martial Arts under Hanshi Steve Barnett 10th Dan.
Over two decades worth of knowledge and expertise developing Martial Arts.
He instructs at various Clubs, Schools and Courses to a mixed age range of students throughout the United Kingdom and Internationally.
These include: -
Valor Ju Jitsu Mini Samurai, Valor Precision Combat Mini Raion (4yrs-6yrs).
Valor Ju Jitsu Junior Samurai, Valor Precision Combat Junior Raion (7yrs-15yrs).
Valor Ju Jitsu Adult, Valor Precision Combat Adult (16yrs+).
Valor Universal Weapons Academy Courses.
Self-Defence Workshops.
Safeguarding Lead Contact Details: -
Telephone: 07794577797

Sensei Steve Mascarenhas
Club Coach
2nd Dan Black Belt
Deputy Safeguarding Lead
Sensei Steve Mascarenhas is a full-time Club Coach within our Valor Precision Combat System and Deputy Safeguarding Lead of Valor Combat Systems.
Martial Arts Qualifications and experience: -
2nd Dan Black belt in Valor Precision Combat.
Black Sash Level 2 Instructor in Core Combat Unlimited.
Black Sash in Jeet Kune Do.
Black Sash in Wing Chun Kung Fu.
Black Sash in Filipino Martial Arts.
Over two decades worth of knowledge and expertise developing Martial Arts within the United Kingdom and Mallorca, Spain.
He instructs at various Clubs, Schools and Courses to a mixed age range throughout the United Kingdom and Mallorca, Spain.
These include: -
Valor Precision Combat Mini Raion (4yrs-6yrs).
Valor Precision Combat Junior Raion (7yrs-15yrs).
Valor Precision Combat Adult (16yrs+).
Valor Universal Weapons Academy Courses.
Self-Defence Workshops.
Deputy Safeguarding Lead Contact Details: -
Telephone: 07421883960

Renshi Martin Tommey
Club Coach
4th Dan Black Belt
Renshi Martin Tommey is a Club Coach and holds the grade of 4th Dan Black belt in Valor Ju Jitsu, awarded in August 2022.
After retiring as a General Practitioner, he commenced training in Ju Jitsu.
Renshi Martin trains regularly and assists with the instruction of Mini Samurai (Aged 4yrs-6yrs), Junior Samurai (Aged 7yrs-15yrs) and Adult (Aged 16yrs+) classes within Valor Ju Jitsu.
He has over two decades worth of experience and dedication to his chosen Martial Art.

Sensei Peter Pounds was a Club Coach and achieved his 2nd Dan Black belt in Valor Ju Jitsu, in November 2014.
He assisted with Courses and Gradings within Valor Ju Jitsu over fifteen years.
Sensei Pete will be remembered as an enthusiastic, dedicated Coach and Martial Artist, who will be deeply missed by everyone connected to Valor Combat Systems.
3rd March, 1947 - 6th August, 2018

Sempei Jamie Bunting
Assistant Coach
2nd Dan Black Belt
Sempei Jamie Bunting is an Assistant Coach and holds the grade of 2nd Dan Black belt in Valor Ju Jitsu, awarded in August 2022.
He continues to train diligently and regularly supports ongoing Courses and Gradings within Valor Ju Jitsu.

Sempei Bekki Charles
Assistant Coach
1st Dan Black Belt
Sempei Bekki Charles is an Assistant Coach and holds the grade of 1st Dan Black Belt in Valor Ju Jitsu, awarded in August 2023. She is aiming to achieve her Nidan (2nd Dan Black Belt) in the future.
She continues to train diligently and regularly supports ongoing Courses and Gradings within Valor Ju Jitsu.